
新罕布什尔校园契约, a statewide consortium of college and university presidents and private sector partners, 最近在曼彻斯特举办了一场活动, NH在曼彻斯特乡村俱乐部举行了纪念2024年 CCNH Presidents’ Award recipients from colleges and universities from across the Granite State. Among the recipients were students 和工作人员 from 冰球突破豪华版试玩. The awards recognize campus and community members for their outstanding contributions to education and opportunity in New Hampshire.

The presidents of 新罕布什尔校园契约’s member colleges and universities nominate and award each of the candidates. 今年’s awardees for 冰球突破豪华版试玩 included the following:



这个奖项, 据CCNH报道, “honors a student or student organization that has made outstanding contributions to community and/or civic engagement efforts on their campus making service an integral part of their college experience in ways that have had a demonstrable impact.”

根据GBCC主席,Dr. 谢丽尔较小, “GBCC’s Pride Alliance Club has had a significant impact on the college community’s awareness and education of diversity for students, 教师, 和工作人员. The organization’s contributions to the Great Bay community have helped increase the College’s culture of compassion, 支持, 和宽容.”

Over the past year, Pride Alliance participated in several events and activities on campus. 他们与大湾的多样性合作, 股本, 包容, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee to coordinate a LGBTQ+ Cultural Sensitivity 培训 in collaboration with Seacoast Outright for GBCC 教师 & 工作人员. They also hosted a student panel on Gender Identity and Experience where trans and intersex GBCC students discussed their relationships with gender, how their identity impacts how they move through the world and are treated. “Their honest and personal accounts and answers to audience questions created a wonderful learning environment for all attendees” said Lesser.

A highlight of Pride Alliance’s work was participating in the Portsmouth Pride Parade & 2023年春季.



根据校园契约, 校长好管家奖是颁发给教员的, 政府, or staff member who is dedicated to campus-community engagement. Those selected have contributed professional expertise in service to the wider community and have significantly advanced public service on their campus. 今年, GBCC selected WorkReadyNH项目经理道恩·哈姆迪说.

正如GBCC提名信中所解释的, the WorkReadyNH项目经理道恩·哈姆迪说, focuses on preparing individuals to be successful in the workforce. She creates programs that mentor and guide adults to instill confidence, uncover hidden potential and allow them to achieve their professional goals. Dawn serves NH residents who are searching for their first job, 改变职业, 或upskilling, 帮助他们提高技能, confidence as well as earn three highly recognized credentials, 最终提高他们的赚钱能力.

今年, Dawn piloted a new cohort of students at Lydia’s House of Hope, 为无家可归的妇女提供的过渡项目. This was the first time the program was offered off campus or in a remote or hybrid manner. 四位住院医生从这个项目中毕业, have secured jobs and are using skills they learned through WorkReadyNH. Dawn is now working with Magnolia House (a recovery program for men) to provide an onsite WorkReadyNH program.



据CCNH报道, The President’s Community Partner award honors a nonprofit organization that has partnered with a CCNH member campus to enhance community life in meaningful and measurable ways. 扮演这一角色的组织已经持续发展, reciprocal partnerships with a college or university to meet community needs. 今年, GBCC selected the 朴茨茅斯房屋管理局(PHA) for the award.

In 2022, 朴茨茅斯房屋管理局(PHA) approached 冰球突破豪华版试玩 (GBCC) to collaborate on an educational initiative for residents of PHA’s newest property, 露丝的位置, 在朴茨茅斯市中心. The housing authority had received generous funding which would provide rental discounts for 露丝的位置 residents who enroll in college.

支持学院的PHA计划, GBCC was awarded a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, providing funds to hire a College Navigator and supplement the existing Academic and Community Support Coordinator position. Both staff members work collaboratively with 露丝的位置 and other PHA properties to provide educational resources for existing and potential GBCC students who reside at PHA properties. 作为关键的第一步, 这些团队将个人与关键资源联系起来, including scholarships; utility assistance, childcare; unemployment assistance; mental health counselors and more.

通过这些合作努力, four residents of 露丝的位置 have started or completed their higher educational pursuits at GBCC and Portsmouth Housing Authority and Great Bay staff have now expanded their collective work to serve the needs at Gosling Meadows, 另一个PHA属性. This successful work is only possible through the true collegiality, 共同努力下, and complementary missions that exist between these two organizations.